If I have a simple BS collapse:

<a href="#content-<?php echo id; ?>" data-toggle="collapse">Trigger Text</a>

<div id="content-<?php echo id; ?>" class="collapse">

Is it possible to trigger the toggle to open as it goes to it from a link in a separate module?

Say link would be:


It's already going to where content #83 is located at the article, but since the toggle is set to closed on that page it only goes to the article page and never actually shows the contents of content #83. There are reasons it needs to be closed on the page it shows up on, but not if clicked through from that link.

  • So before the content is displayed, you want to have a plugin conditionally remove the class="collapse" attribute? or would you like to change the value from collapse to something else? This, of course, would be a "conditional" action whereby only the id value matches the fragment value. Relevant reading: Get fragment (value after hash '#') from a URL in php Commented Dec 12, 2018 at 7:19
  • I've never made a plugin, but if that would help I can give it a shot. Just need the collapse to open when accessed through that link. The content is JComments comments. I have them collapsed with certain info on toggles, but it screwed up the link in the latest comments module so that when you click comment #83 it just takes you to the article and stops, so you still have to look through the toggles to find #83 and then manually open it, where if it automatically opened it you wouldn't have to search for it and open it, you would just know where it is because it's the only one open.
    – Mythic
    Commented Dec 12, 2018 at 15:14
  • The system has bumped this page because it is not deemed resolved by the system. Did you manage to resolve this with Sharky's answer? By yourself? Or is it not yet resolved? Please progress this page by accepting or answering or editing your question. Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 12:07
  • No, moved on. Haven't tried the new solution, but since there's already an a tag that opens the collapse on the page i'm not sure how or where to work that in.
    – Mythic
    Commented Jan 8, 2020 at 0:20
  • the system has bumped this question again for new attention since it is not deemed to be resolved. Can you please progress this page toward a system-recognised resolution? Commented Jan 31, 2021 at 23:05

2 Answers 2


Get the fragment from URL, check that element with the same ID is collapsible and run collapse('show') if it is:

jQuery(function() {
    var fragment = window.location.hash;
    if (fragment && jQuery(fragment).hasClass('collapse')) {
  • Where would that go? Keep getting errors anyplace I put it.
    – Mythic
    Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 16:23
  • This is JavaScript code. You can add it to your template (either inline or in a .js file) or to layout override. Or load it with a plugin. Related documentation: docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Adding_JavaScript_and_CSS_to_the_page and docs.joomla.org/Adding_JavaScript.
    – Sharky
    Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 21:08
  • I got it working, but it only opens the toggle for a few seconds and then immediately it closes again.
    – Mythic
    Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 23:09
  • @Mythic I suppose rather than changing the attribute value, you could remove the class so that it "doesn't get pickup again" by another js function. (if this answer was helpful to you, please upvote; if it resolves your issue, please accept) Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 3:10
  • Can't do that or they all just stay open. Does seem like something is overriding it at the end though. Tried finding a place where it would be last to run, but no such luck yet.
    – Mythic
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 4:57

In case you have something else triggered by the click that opens the collapse, this will work as well:

 $('a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]').click();

The thing you need to watch for in doing either of these approaches is javascript load order. It's always possible jQuery may not have loaded by this time (in which case you'll get an error about '$') or in noConflict mode (try again replacing '$' with 'jQuery') or that the collapse plug-in hasn't loaded yet (when the call to 'collapse()' will toss a null object/method error). Javascript is funny that way, especially when attributes like 'async' are added to script tags because Google says that makes the page load faster.

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