I have installed Joomla 3.5. There are a default joomla registration form, image as follows:

Joomla Registration Form

So I want to integrate Pay-u-money payment gateway and users should enter card details in the same registration form before "Register" buttom. Image as given below: Payment Form

Any help ?

  • What is the question? Please be specific and show us what you have tried (For example, include code.)
    – TryHarder
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 13:01

3 Answers 3


My answer will reflect the specificity of your "question." You need to create to a user plugin and listen to the onContentPrepareForm event so you can inject your custom fields, making sure the context is com_users.registration. Then u need to hook into the onUserAfterSave or onUserBeforeSave event to capture the entered data and save.

A point of caution, I highly recommend you do not save customer credit card data in your Joomla database. You are exposing yourself and your customers to unnecessary liabilities in addition to a whole host of regulatory requirements when dealing with financial data.

If you do not simply transfer the client credit card data to your 3rd party payment platform and save a customer reference number for later access, you need to seriously reconsider the vendor you're using!

Joomla Plugin Events


To accomplish this I've used 3rd party extensions such as Fabrik and ChronoForms to create a custom registration form with a payment plug-in.

Check the sites for these extensions to see if they support Pay-u-money, I know a lot of payment processors are supported.


Maybe you can try to complement and extend this with one extension, in this case you can find some options in the Extensions Directory, here you have the main category:

Two popular extensions are Membership Pro and PayPlans.

I am not affiliated with any of the extensions mentioned

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