I want to new a user group by php, I think there should be an API ready but I just can't find an example code by google. I have the parent group name and ID, and the new group title is ready, what object should I get and how to create the new user group? If there is no API for this, I might just access the #_Usergroups, but I am worry I'll mess uo the lft, rgt columns. If someone could show me, or have any other suggestions, an example cold would be great.

1 Answer 1


You can add the group by directly invoking the save function in com_users component model.

$group = array('id'=>0, 'title'=>'Group Title', 'parent_id'=>1);
JLoader::import('group', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_users/models');
$groupModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance( 'Group', 'UsersModel' );

if(! $groupModel->save($group) )
   return false;

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