I am implementing a plugin for jdownloads to be used in the component smart search. To implement this plugin I have to use the event onFinderCategoryChangeState to actualize the state to the download flies when the state of the categories of them change state. This event should be fired when the state of the category of the downloads change in the list of categories. I put a throw exception in this event function but this exception is never throw when I change a state of a category.
Here is my code in the plugin:
public function onFinderCategoryChangeState($extension, $pks, $value) {
throw new Exception('extension --> ' . $extension);
if ($extension == 'com_jdownloads') {
$this->categoryStateChange($pks, $value):
In the others plugins for the smart search there is this comment in the onFinderCategoryChangeState function:
Method to update the item link information when the item category is changed. This is fired when the item category is published or unplublished from the list view.
Why in my case the event doesn't fire?