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Questions tagged [curl]

cURL is a library and command-line tool for transferring data using several protocols such as HTTP, FTP and Telnet.

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Payment plugin for Documents Seller

I am trying to build a payment plugin for Joomdonation Documents Seller. I can send an order to a Bank and pay, but after that I am having a problem. When an order is created and sent, it has status: ...
Vano Nasaridze's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is Joomla4 API/Web Service ready for production use?

I've read what little I can find about J4 Web Services, but cannot find a working example or get my code to work. The code below should work by all accounts, but I get forbidden on my local machine ...
GDP's user avatar
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Set Joomla cookie via cURL from external website

I'm trying to set up a cookie in Joomla from an external website using cURL. The process flow is as below: User does an action in cURL a URL in sets ...
Kabal's user avatar
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Joomla routing adding a 'view' query parameter to traffic destined to com_api component

I'm planning a series of APIs to execute in a Joomla instance to provide data to other sites. Experiments ongoing to understand how to implement. Considering com_ajax, com_api or new component. ...
joesboat's user avatar
1 vote
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RSS Feed error: "cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden"

I'm trying to load the following RSS feed in a Joomla! Feeds module:,rss.xml However, I get the following error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Push data to a Joomla environment via com_ajax

UPDATE 2: Made 2 small changes to the code below ("echo" instead of "return" and added "exit(); to the bottom of the script") and now the code works as expected. This was using a jQuery.get. I will ...
Sheldon Seale's user avatar
2 votes
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Send a cURL POST request to an external url with parameters from controller

Is there any way to redirect to external url with parameters from a controller? I'm using joomla 2.5.9 and I have a controller that sends emails to the administrator. After an email is sent ...
geeth's user avatar
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Get the output of another url and store it in a variable, while maintaining session

Scenario: User is posting an ajax request to Joomla site (via com_ajax). Inside the called method, I want to retrieve the entire html output of a known Joomla submenu (let's say /contact). The ...
pkExec's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to leverage external JSON REST API in Joomla 3.5.1 after user login?

I need to integrate a Joomla website with a third party REST API. Let me try to clarify what I'm trying to do. Ideally when a user logs on to the Joomla website once they authenticate they will also ...
seamonkey's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Perform Basic Authentication cURL request using API

I would like to perform a cURL request using the API of Joomla 3.4 using the POST method. I have following code, but keep getting a 401 error. $headers = array( 'Content-Type' => 'application/...
Anriëtte Myburgh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Joomla3.x component curl JHttpTransportCurl

I'm developing a component require to use a management software api, which is using curl to accessing the data in that software. However, it seems joomla restrict the curl access, because the api ...
user3508896's user avatar
-1 votes
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Joomla 2.5 installer: cUrl cannot find domain.tld/extension.xml with HTTP 302 Found instead of HTTP 200

I've been trying the "find updates" in Joomla for a few extensions, where I only get error messages such as Unable to open You can perfectly open and ...
ExternalUse's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Remote Login using cURL

I'm trying to login a user who was authenticated elsewhere to a Joomla-site and was following Brent Friar's nice program, but had to apply two modifications: added a field "return" which was ...
MBaas's user avatar
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Initializing JHttpTransportCurl class

i am trying to call & get another url data.So is trying to create new instance of http class as follows - jimport('joomla.http.http'); jimport('joomla.http.transport.curl'); $options = array(); $...
dev-m's user avatar
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