I have a multi-lingual joomla-installation(3.4) and I want to have a URL (within the logo) that linked to the respective root like index.php/en, index.php/ru, and so on.

This works pretty well in a local environment like xampp but when the installation goes live the URL in every language linked always to the german / standard version.

This is how I linked the logo.

 <a title="title" class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>"> </a>

In both cases Joomla is installed to a subfolder.

How can I fix this?

1 Answer 1


Try the following:

<a title="title" class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>"></a>


<a title="title" class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>"></a>


<a title="title" class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php'); ?>"></a>
  • This works for me JRoute::_('index.php');
    – 3ehrang
    Commented Feb 1, 2017 at 10:53

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