Particles are very flexible and user-friendly, but they can only get Joomla's article as content provider, as points out:
{% set options = {published: true, id: [14, 3]} %}
{% set finder = joomla.finder('category', options) %}
But very often people are using other components as main content organizer, such as K2 or Easyblog, especially when Easyblog allow users to directly create/edit articles from MS Word. It is not hard for me to retrieve Easyblog's posts in PHP:
// Include the engine
include_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easyblog/includes/easyblog.php');
// Only fetch 10 posts
$limit = 10;
// Category id's (one or more)
$options = array(1);
$model = EB::model('Category');
$posts = $model->getPosts($options, $limit);
But gantry particles are using twig, which I am not very familiar with. So the question is, how do I integrate what I retireve from Easyblog via PHP into Gantry's twig environment?