I work in a functionality in which I must validate some fields before saving, if a condition is not met I must indicate abort the save process, according to the documentation of the onContentBeforeSave event I do this by returning false, this works fine, but I would like to add a personalized message. Right now when return false, the following message is displayed in the view

enter image description here

I understand after the colon a personalized message is expected. How I do this?

This is the plugin code I am trying


defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

class plgContentMyPlugin extends JPlugin
    public function onContentBeforeSave($context, &$article, $isNew, $data)
        if ($context === 'com_content.article') {
            $field1 = $data['com_fields']['field1'];
            $field2 = $data['com_fields']['field2'];

            if (!empty($field1) && empty($field2)) {
                return false; // here, how can I attach a message?

            $date = strtotime($field1);
            $now = time();

            if ($date > $now) {
                return false; // here, how can I attach a message?

        return true;

Thanks in advance


1 Answer 1


You can throw an Exception:

if ($date > $now)
    throw new RuntimeException(JText::_('PLG_CONTENT_MYPLUGIN_SOME_ERROR'));

Or use setError() on the table object:

if ($date > $now)

    return false;
  • user615274, if you look at /libraries/src/MVC/Model/AdminModel.php at line 1273 you can see where the message in @Sharky 's second suggestion is going to be retrieved. Or at line 1294 you can see the Catch that will display the exception message set in his first suggestion.
    – Irata
    Commented Oct 29, 2019 at 12:21

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