I have a bit of a problem creating a one page template. I'm half way there, I get stuck with the menu links. Here is what I do, I'm using Helix Ultimate:
1- create the required rows in the template I gave them the id's #sp-about and #sp-contact
2- create the menu links for about/contact as external urls #sp-about and #sp-contact.
3- create the custom html modules for about and contact Assign them module positions (user1 and user2).
So far, so good. Now the problems:
If I want to use the homepage, I have to set home to external url, and set about and contact as sublinks under it. Joomla does not allow external url's on the component. I have to set an article or category, and that looks plain ugly.
If I set another menu link, say Company with About and Contact under it: Company is not the component, so I can link it to external url. I set it to #. Nothing shows up. In the module manager external urls are grayed out.
I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what.