I'm trying to override the "vmpayment" plugin. I've changed the layout of the "post_payment.php" file and put the file in the following folder structure: templates/mytemplate/html/plg_vmpayment_standard_standard/post_payment.php

Now this is not working. The structure of the plugin is: plugins/vmpayment/standard/standard/post_payment.php

What am I missing here? I've changed it to exclude the last "standard" folder without success.


1 Answer 1


When the Virtuemart plugin has a second folder with the same name in it, then it is using the overridable pattern.

Copy this second folder to: /templates/[yourtemplate]/html/[plugin-group]/[plugin-name]

So the right path would be: /templates/[yourtemplate]/html/vmpayment/standard/post_payment.php

Official Documentation: How to overwrite plugins

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