I have a component listed on the JED that I am currently updating to fix a bug. I noticed however that when creating a custom Administrator menu in the backend, my component does not show up in the list of available installed components to create a link from. I was wondering what I need to change in my extension XML file so that my component shows up in that component list.

To reproduce the issue:

Create an Administrator menu in the backend Add a new menu item When selecting the Menu Item Type a list opens of available components

The Menu Item Type list is where I am trying to get me component to show. Any guidance would be appreciated.

2 Answers 2


This seems to work in the same way as creating front end menu item types, but with your default.xml file being saved under an administrator view rather than a front end view.

For example, com_content adds the featured articles link under administrator/com_content/views/featured/default.xml

This file contains the following code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Adding the same (changing only the title and message) to your component's administrator view(s) should make it/them appear under Menu Item Type.

Com_content is using translations, as any JED component should, but you could easily test this by replacing COM_CONTENT_FEATURED_VIEW_DEFAULT_TITLE with dummy text.

  • I am going to try this out today @Richard B. I will let you know if it solved my problem.
    – Terry Carter
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 21:51
  • Yep. This was the correct answer. Great solution and thanks Richard B.
    – Terry Carter
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 22:00

I use Component Creator to create all my components in the first instance so my answer is related to the way they code components to a large degree. I've personally never created an Admin menu item before so I had to see if my components actually let me do this, and it did. So in the main manifest XML you will need to have a menu and perhaps a submenu element defined and I'm hoping that the following example of code helps.

    <menu img="../media/com_mycomponent/images/s_com_mycomponent.png" >COM_MYCOMPONENT</menu>
        <menu link="option=com_mycomponent&amp;view=clientadverts" view="clientadverts" img="../media/com_mycomponent/images/s_clientadverts.png" alt="Mycomponent/Clientadverts">COM_MYCOMPONENT_TITLE_ADVERTS</menu>
        <menu link="option=com_categories&amp;extension=com_mycomponent" view="categories" img="../media/com_mycomponent/images/s_clientadverts.png" alt="Mycomponent/Categories">COM_MYCOMPONENT_ADVERTS_ADVERT_TYPE</menu>

Cheers Glenn

  • Yep. All of my components have the admin and submenu elements defined in the manifest.
    – Terry Carter
    Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 0:06
  • This method works if you re-zip and reinstall your extension I found out well after the fact.
    – Terry Carter
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 22:08

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