I already have a site www.poklo.com
. I need to work on that, so i have set up a development environment. www.dev.poklo.com
Now, i have used akeeba's site transfer window, what i filled in form is:
The URL to your new site: http://dev.poklo.com
Host name: ftp.poklo.com
Port: 21
Username: pokloadmin
Password: *******
FTP/SFTP Directory: public_html/dev
But, i have got this error:
You have entered the connection information to the site you are transfering from. Your mistake would have deleted your own site. You need to enter the FTP/SFTP connection information to the site you are transferring to (new site or new server). Please fix the information above and retry.
How could i transfer the backup from domain to subdomain or vice-versa using akeeba backup?