I want to create a href link in my Joomla articles pointing out to the one which is associated with its one. I used to copy an old article and edit its content its time. So I ask if there is any joomla code which I can use to the src without having to modify it each time. I know that I can do this with jQuery but I prefer use a Joomla way if is any.

1 Answer 1


OK I used jquery and worked.

Here is the answer:

I added a class "testimonial-crosslink" to my href link in all articles like:

<a class="testimonial-crosslink" href="#">here</a>


var testimonial_crosslink_href = $('.mod-languages ul.lang-inline li:not(.lang-active) a').attr('href');
$('.testimonial-crosslink').attr('href', testimonial_crosslink_href);

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