There's a component called dx FontAwesome button that is used for inserting Font Awesome elements into articles via the editors-ext button.
On the back-end it's working fine but not on the front-end. The button appears, but in the modal window it gives an error message: 404 Component not found.
/administrator/components/com_dxfontawesome folder was created with all the necessary files
/component/com_dxfontawesome folder was created but it's empty
/plugins/editors-ext/dxfabutton folder contains dxfabutton.php and dxfabutton.xml files
I tried the following but couldn't resolve the issue.
Following to the core com_media I put a new dxfontawesome.php file into /component/com_dxfontawesome folder and add the following code:
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.'/dxfontawesome.php';
Then I got a new error message: 0 Invalid controller: name='', format=''
I modified the dxfabutton.php at line #43:
$app = JFactory::getApplication(); if( $app->isAdmin() ) $link =""; else $link = "administrator/"; $link .= 'index.php?option=com_dxfontawesome&view=dxfontawesome&layout=fa_selector&tmpl=component&editor='. $name;
After that it partially works but after clicking the font selector button the system asks to login into the back-end...
If I log into the back-end and then go back to the front end, the font awesome selector works, but it is not a real solution for our users with publisher permission.
Any help would be appreciated.