To answer 1, no there is no global PHP $this variable that correlates with JavaScripts this varaible. This can be easily tested with a simple PHP file:
echo $this;
which will give you an error.
To answer 2, $this is always inside a class. What I think you are trying to understand is class inheritance. So say you are looking at the file cat.php:
class Cat extends Animal {
protected $meow = 'meeoooowww';
public function Meow() {
echo $this->meow . ' I am ' . $this->age . ' years old';
and somewhere else you have a file animal.php:
class Animal {
protected $age = '10';
public function run() {
echo "I'm running";
Finally you create a new cat in some other file:
$tinkles = new Cat();
echo "<br>";
You are going to see this outputted:
I'm running
meeoooowww I am 10 years old
Note how the cat has inherited the function (run) and propertie (age) from Animal by using "extends Animal" as part of the class declaration.
PHP then has several methods for understanding what the class is, In the next snippet we will add an introspect() function, using those methods:
class Cat extends Animal {
protected $meow = 'meeoooowww';
public function Meow() {
echo $this->meow;
public function introspect() {
echo "My class is ". get_class($this) . "<br>";
echo "My ancestor class is " . get_parent_class($this);
So now:
$tinkles = new Cat();
will produce:
My class is Cat
My ancestor class is Animal
Finding out where those files resides can require some detective skills if you are not familiar with the framework.
You would benefit from setting up xdebug for example to be able to step through what happens when your code is executed.
Also a good IDE such as PHPStorm will allow you to click on the class name, for example "Animal" in "class Cat extends Animal" to open up that file directly.
parameter and in all the examples.$this
is explicitly in an object.