I'm working with Jquery and Joomla3 and Nooku framework and I need to add CSS style to my page which I'm using the following for:
JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='".JURI::root(1)."/components/com_sgrmre/lib/DataTables-1.10.6/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js'></script>");
JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag("<style src='components/com_sgrmre/lib/DataTables-1.10.6/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css'/>");
The first JFactory
line is to import a JS file into my page and it works fine.
The second line is to import the CSS file into my page, but it doesn't work, as if the jquery.dataTables.css had no effect.
Please help and thank you