Using the Joomla built-in banner component, is it possible to have more than one link in a banner?
I need to add a "disclaimer link" to some of my banners. Say my ad looks like this:
I would like the blue part to be the main link, and the red part to link to a PDF with additional information.
So far I've done it using custom code and an image map:
<img id="myID" src="url/to/banner.jpg" border="0" width="250" height="250" usemap="#myMap" alt="" />
<map name="myMap" id="myID">
<area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,0,217,250" target="_blank" />
<area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,217,250,250" target="_blank" />
It works, but it doesn't look like the clicks are tracked by Joomla.
Any other ideas on how to achieve this?