I'm trying to understand how to override the helper.php found in /joomla_site/modules/mod_k2_tools because it is not a component but a module, and it is not the controller, because the controller is mod_k2_tools.php.
If that above is right, then I have no idea how to override the helper.php to change the functionily of the K2 calendar.
I read How to override core classes, and followed the example How to override the component mvc from the Joomla! core. However, nothing changed.
Before started with the override, I directly modified the /joomla_site/modules/mod_k2_tools/helper.php to get the functionality I was looking for and as it worked, I decided starting with the override issue.
In the plugin that we must create, in the line
if('com_content' == JRequest::getCMD('option') && !$app->isAdmin())
the com_content
makes reference to the content component, so, it should be replace by the 'mod_k2_tools` string, right?
Can the helper.php be overridden? Any guidance on what to check or pointing to a new beginning?
I'm using Joomla! 2.5.27
, and K2 2.6.8