I have some string values like a contract detail in one variable of template index file. Here i also attached screenshot what i am getting right now.
As you have seen in screenshot I have strings with one "Accept" button. I want all that content in popup At page load just after user gets looged in.
After Login user must be accept these terms and condition then he/she can allow to do any things else.
Or please, suggest me if any free tool is available or not?
code section (edited) One code that i found is use of,
under and Use
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_xyz&task=xyz'); ?>" class="modal" rel="{size: {x: 400, y: 400}}" >Click </a>
Then after click you will find popup, But it is on click event. I want on page load event. Here is reference link