JRequest Remove from Joomla 4 then how i must use this method

for example

    $controller->execute( JRequest::getCmd('task', $view)

not work i must change it to what ?

2 Answers 2


Use Joomla\Input\Input class. Instance relevant to the current request can be accessed through the application:

use Joomla\CMS\Factory;

$controller->execute(Factory::getApplication()->getInput()->get('task', $view));

Inside controllers you should already have the input instance injected which you could use like this:

  • can you check my code and if this is true tell me ? Commented May 17, 2022 at 13:52

This is some of the current code inside my controller:

function add() {
    if(JRequest::checkToken( 'get' )) {
        JRequest::checkToken( 'get' ) or die( 'Invalid Token' );
    } else {
        JRequest::checkToken() or die( 'Invalid Token' );
    JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);        
    $model = $this->getModel('albums');
    $view = $this->getView('albums', 'html');               
    $view->setModel($model, true);      

It must be changed to:

function add() {
    if(Factory::getApplication()->getInput()->get('get')) {
        Factory::getApplication()->getInput()->get('get') or die( 'Invalid Token' );
    } else {
        JFactory::getApplication()->getInput() or die( 'Invalid Token' );
    $this->input->get('hidemainmenu', 1);   
    $model = $this->getModel('albums');
    $view = $this->getView('albums', 'html');               
    $view->setModel($model, true);      

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