In a custom J4 site I am using the Shack Locations (previously Focalpoint) core extension that displays a dynamically generated legend of location types on the front end, but it is listing the nine types randomly. I carefully created the location types in the order in which I wanted them to appear. I also used Joomla's ordering facility to no avail. So, I created an override which brings in the location type IDs as a class for each li item (by default there is no 'li' class), so on the front-end the html now shows this (although each also has an 'a' link, but that's not relevant here):

<li class="28">No meeting</li>
<li class="22">Tuesday afternoon</li>
<li class="23">Tuesday evening</li>
<li class="25">Wednesday evening</li>
<li class="27">Thursday evening</li>
<li class="20">Monday afternoon</li>
<li class="24">Wednesday afternoon</li>
<li class="26">Thursday afternoon</li>
<li class="21">Monday evening</li>

For what I hope are obvious reasons, I want the list to display like this:

<li class="20">Monday afternoon</li>
<li class="21">Monday evening</li>
<li class="22">Tuesday afternoon</li>
<li class="23">Tuesday evening</li>
<li class="24">Wednesday afternoon</li>
<li class="25">Wednesday evening</li>
<li class="26">Thursday afternoon</li>
<li class="27">Thursday evening</li>
<li class="28">No meeting</li>

The PHP for this element is

defined('_JEXEC') or die();

$markers = $this->chunkLegends($this->item->markerdata);

$html       = [];
$subtitle   = '';
$lastLegend = null;
foreach ($markers as $legend) {
    if ($lastLegend && $lastLegend != $legend->alias) {
        $html[] = '</ul>';
        $html[] = '</div>';

    $subtitle = $legend->subtitle ? sprintf('<small>%s</small>', $legend->subtitle) : '';

    $html[] = sprintf(
        '<div class="%s"><h4>%s%s</h4>',

    $html[] = '<ul class="sidebar">';
    foreach ($legend->markers as $marker) {
        $html[] = sprintf(
            '<li class="%s"><a data-marker-type="%s" class="active markertoggles markers-%s" href="#">%s</a></li>',
    $html[] = '</ul>';
    $html[] = '</div>';

$html[] = $this->loadTemplate('legend_buttons');

echo join("\n", $html);

Can I sort the li items by their class, either by adding something to the PHP file, or writing vanilla JavaScript? No jQuery, please. TIA.

  • You can sort the array directly in PHP. See How to Sort a Multi-dimensional Array by Value.
    – Sharky
    Commented Apr 22, 2022 at 12:52
  • Thank you. I've never done anything like that, so how do I specify that the array should come from the class of the li elements that I want sorted? And where would it go in the above PHP file?
    – Gillian
    Commented Apr 22, 2022 at 13:14

2 Answers 2


I solved it with some vanilla JavaScript. I'd still like to know how it could be done in PHP as the JavaScript runs after page load and on a slow page load the resort might be visible to the naked eye.

Here is the script (using the li Ids - not shown above - rather than class):

window.onload = function() {
    if (document.getElementById("meetings")) {
        list = document.querySelector('.sidebar'),
        results = document.querySelectorAll('.sort');
    let sliced = Array.prototype.slice.call(results, 0);
        list.innerHTML = '';
        sliced.reduce(function(list, item) {
            return list;
        function sortByElementText(selector) {
            return function(a, b) {
            return a.id > b.id;

And hands up, I got the original idea from an answer (entitled 'A native js way.') on this post on Stackoverflow by @synthe1c

UPDATE: I have since discovered that although this works perfectly in Firefox, it doesn't in Chrome, Edge, Android.

  • please provide me with the var_export($markers) output so that I can demonstrate how to sort your data. A link to 3v4l.org or phpize.online will suffice. Commented Apr 22, 2022 at 16:47
  • I'm sorry @mickmackusa, but I haven't a clue. I didn't write this extension, it's from Joomlashack. I wouldn't know where to start looking, although the top of the PHP code in the first post says $markers = $this->chunkLegends($this->item->markerdata);. I have searched some of the other files for var_export($markers) but haven't found that string.
    – Gillian
    Commented Apr 23, 2022 at 10:37
  • No no, I mean, I'd like you to temporarily overwrite the snippet that you posted in your question. Write var_export($markers); immediately after $markers is declared, then exit(), then show me what that data looks like. Once I have that data, I can prepare an answer for you. Commented Apr 23, 2022 at 10:39
  • Sorry. I'm hopeless. I've tried it in both a copy of the above PHP snippet in the phpize.online program and on my dev site file, in line 5, after $markers = $this->chunkLegends($this->item->markerdata); and also after the foreach ($legend->markers as $marker) code. In phpize.online I get "Fatal error: syntax error, unexpected variable "$html"..." and on the dev site I get a 500 internal server error wherever I put the code.
    – Gillian
    Commented Apr 23, 2022 at 11:49
  • Ah, what I mean to ask for, is for you to modify your actual project code (temporarily) -- just to print out the data. I need to see the real data (...well, you can redact the actual values, but I need to see the data structure). Your snippet has two nested foreach loops, so I cannot confidently reverse engineer sample data on my own. Commented Apr 23, 2022 at 12:03

Use usort() to sort $legend->markers array:

    static fn ($a, $b) => $a->locationtype_id <=> $b->locationtype_id
  • Thanks, @Sharky. I'm not sure where to put this and whether I should also delete something else.
    – Gillian
    Commented Apr 24, 2022 at 11:28
  • This can be added after the first foreach() (which is where $legend is declared), and before the second foreach(). I'd probably squeeze it after the line that pushes <ul class="sidebar"> into the $html array. Commented Apr 24, 2022 at 15:09

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