Now I am using Fabrik and EasySocial. enter image description here

Here is the table of Fabrik and the Label name "ADDED BY" is user name from Joomla User.

When I click on username, it takes me to edit the record, but I don't want it to be way. I want when someone clicks the username, for the link to open the User Profile of EasySocial.

When someone clicks the username "SOK SAVRY", the link opens this profile: https://seekkhmer.com/index.php/profile-layout/saovry

When someone clicks username "Khan Vannara", the link opens this profile: https://seekkhmer.com/index.php/profile-layout/khun-vannara

I asked the Fabrik about this and they just told me (You can add a custom link to your "Added by" element (List view settings/List settings).

My problem is that I don't know about the custom link of EasySocial component.

  • Thank you for joining us Saovry. Please take our tour. Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 23:49

1 Answer 1


Open your user element. From left menu open List view settings->tab List settings. There have a field Custom link. Read label tooltip. Place in field your link to Easysocial user. Replace user id with {rowid}.

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