It is on the details page (edit.php), when I change a value from another dropdown field, I want to change the options of another dropdown (later by AJAX). For now my test works if I look just to the select, with console log inspector (FF), but on the screen self the original value's are shown!!??

When I open the screen than is this in my console log I see:

<select id="jform_tsch__tsch1__lfld" name="jform[tsch][tsch1][lfld]" class="list_class fieldMedium" style="display: none;" wtx-context="B7F1102E-68EB-474C-8DB9-407DCA7FBDD4">
    <option value="">Select veld</option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3" selected="selected">3</option>
    <option value="4">4</option>
    <option value="5">5</option>
    <option value="6">6</option>

This my jQuery code (part):

jQuery('select[id^=jform_tsch__tsch][id$=__tsch]').change(function () {
    var subID = target[0]+'__'+target[1] +'__lfld';

    var newOptions = {"Option 1": "value1",
                              "Option 2": "value2",
                              "Option 3": "value3"


            jQuery.each(newOptions, function(key, value) {

After I change my value of another dropdown, the code is executed, when I look in the console log:

<select id="jform_tsch__tsch1__lfld" name="jform[tsch][tsch1][lfld]" class="list_class fieldMedium" style="display: none;" wtx-context="B7F1102E-68EB-474C-8DB9-407DCA7FBDD4">
    <option value="">Select veld</option>  
<option value="Option 1">value1</option><option value="Option 2">value2</option><option value="Option 3">value3</option></select>

So the new option value's are added at the select.!

But if I press on the dropdown arrow than still the old value's are shown and that is because of the

<div class=chz-search">

which does also have the original value's, see my screenshot enter image description here. Of course I can update the 'ul' as well by jQuery I think, but I'm thinking is this the way how it should be done in Joomla???

Is there a kind of default way how to replace the options of select in Joomla. Or is the alternative 'submit'? I read also something about the chosen.jQuery.js library, but I'm searching for an example how to use this.



2 Answers 2


Thats because of the chosen.js - i had the same question a few weeks ago :

Update List field rendering after ajax update

For chosen you can call:


after you changed the options, this triggers the update.

Edit: in Joomla! V3.x and old version of chosen is used and the trigger is:


kind regards Marco

  • Hi Marco, thanks for you're answer. I read you're other thread and it is exactly the same what I want. I have added: $document->addScript('/media/jui/js/chosen.jquery.js'); Is this than the ChosenJS library? I have tryed the update trigger for the select itself jQuery('#jform_tsch__tsch2__lfld').trigger("chosen:updated"); and the overlay div: jQuery('#jform_tsch__tsch2__lfld_chzn').trigger("chosen:updated");, still the same. It is I think due to the overlay div with the <u class=" chzn-results"> that I still see the old value's. Nothing is changed for the <u class=" chzn-results"> Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 14:45
  • sorry my fault - i had to use "jQuery('#jform_identificator').trigger("liszt:updated");" edited also in my answer
    – Marco
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 14:50
  • *** UPDATE *** I had copied something for a multitab details page, so that it returns on the tab of before the submit. What I said I copied it without exactly realizing what all does. I see now one of the lines is: JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');. Is this the famous chosenJS for a select in Joomla? Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 20:00
  • I had the same issue some weeks ago
    – FFrewin
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 21:15

It is working with this one:


Even with the 'z' in liszt', I thought this must be a typo, but not!!!

I had the one which Marco mentioned tried earlier, but that one is not working, in my situation. Why is that one of Marco has mentioned, not working? I see that one regularly in other treads. It is also working without $document->addScript('/media/jui/js/chosen.jquery.js');!!



  • nice! - idk in detail what i've found is: joomla uses an older version of the chosen library - old syntax... i've updated my answer below a few minutes ago. Can you please mark your question as solved (checkmark left of an answer) to help the community - thank you. BR Marco
    – Marco
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 15:14
  • I will accept my answer as the solution but that is possible after two days, not yet! Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 15:34

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