I wanted to answer your earlier question about this yesterday, but someone was already answered this partially for you. So according to me your original Login Form token field should be a bit changed like the following:
<form method="post" action="#" id="userForm">
<label for="username">Brugernavn</label>
<input type="text" value="" name="username">
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" value="" name="password">
<?php echo '<input id="token" type="hidden" name="' . JSession::getFormToken($forceNew=true) . '" value="1" />'; ?>
<button id="login-user">Login</button>
This way the token function forced to generate always a new token which could be sent with the AJAX query anytime (your original AJAX query might be changed a bit too to forward the token created this way and checking the token in your called function should may be re-formulated too. Maybe those are OK as they are now, you'll test it). I hope this can help you in the question.
Now the above solution is generating a new token for the Form only when the site is refreshed. and that is not what you are looking for, as we found out a bit later. And I will not leave this subject without closing it if we went into this now.
So, what is the real problem here?
Of course as we talked about it (in the added comments), you could get a fresh token with an initial AJAX call to a function of refreshingToken() (which would be a custom function you could create with few lines of codes). But this function would also delete the old request/session token and would create a new one (and that would also mean a new session and new request). This is due to security reasons.
Here is the problem and the most possible solution of what you want to accomplish:
The real solution to your problem is about sessions and not about getting new tokens.
After you explained finally that you want to solve the problem of the logged in User when he is i.e. editing an article and it takes a little longer time for him to finish the editing, and this user has gotten logged out by the system, then you want them to be logged in again without redirection and losing their unfinished article for example.
A working solution of this problem is how Joomla solved it with keeping the session alive with a core Joomla function.
So if you call the following function at the top of your particular pages’ layout files (or in your Form layout file):
Then It will just keep the user's session alive and that’s it, your problem is solved (we can say), since the session will not expire on the article editing page. The user will not lose his work as he won’t be logged out during an important article writing, editing.
Now, do you have to create your own AJAX based login form to add keepalive() function to the com_content article edit page for example?
No, you do not.
In Joomla, at the top of the login module (mod_login) the JHtml::_('behavior.keepalive'); is included, thus if you publish this login module on the Article Edit pages (or menus) for example, then the user session will be kept alive on those pages, so it means that your editor User will not lose his work, since he will not be logged out of his session, since the keepalive() function (via a javascript function) will refresh his session's time regularly.
And finally
If you still want to, you can also include JHtml::_('behavior.keepalive'); on the top of your custom Login Form layout file placed on the 'article edit' page and that will prevent of loging users out during editing and of losing an unfinished article at the side of your User.
Another possible solution:
- You could also create a plugin which shows a remaining session time on article edit pages in a module and there could be a button to restart the session or fork the session. The Joomla/CMS/Session/Session class has functions for that which could be called (it should be studied more by myself too). So the user instead of logging in just can push a button to restart the session. (later edit: I have checked these Session functions and unfortunately start(), restart(), fork(), all of these functions destroy the current session, so these are not working solutions of the problem in question).
I am sorry for the very long description but this was the only way to clear the problem and the subject at an acceptable level. I hope this is gonna clear the subject more and will help you.