I have a client who has contact forms on 5 different pages.
We would like to track the submissions for each page with Google Analytics in a way that allows to track from which specific page the users submitted.
How is this best set up?
You can implement Analytics Event Tracking (E.g. Click on Contact Button).
<a href="#" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Confirmed', 'First ever contact']);">Submit</a>
Ref: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide
As an alternative, you can add Javascript source code in each contact page. As the simplest posible way, you can install NoNumber Sourcerer (http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/sourcerer), and a snippet like this to associate the event with the button:
jQuery( '#ContactButton' ).click(function( event ) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Confirmed', 'First ever contact']);
Google Analytics Event Tracking is the way to go. Here is a tutorial on how to setup. You can put the onClick code in the button or input you are using for Submit.