I'm working on custom Joomla MVC component for Joomla 2.x. I have a .xml file for custom menu item type. I need to get the value_field from it to tell the view what to show from database. I tried and researched everything and it seems nothing works for me.

Here's the codes:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout title="League select">
        <message>Selector for league view on site</message>
    <fields name="request">
    <fieldset name="request">
        <field name="selLeag" 
               label="Select league" 
               query="SELECT leagueName, id FROM footleague_leagues"

        <option value="">Select league</option>


        <field name="selDiv" 
               label="Select division" 
               query="SELECT divisionName, id FROM footleague_divisions" 
            <option value="">Select division</option>


leagueinfo.php model


    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


    class FutLigaModelLeagueInfo extends JModelItem{

    protected $msg;

    public function getMsg(){

            //this shows me only the ids from database but I need value_field
            $leagueid = JRequest::getVar('selLeag');
            $divisionid = JRequest::getVar('selDiv');

            //this shows me an empty array
            $data = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('jform', array(), 'array');

        echo $leagueid;
        echo $divisionid;



    return $this->msg;




Thank you for help! :)

  • I have updated the answer with few changes in code, kindly check
    – Liz.
    Commented Jul 15, 2016 at 6:27
  • @user8693 this page seems abandoned. Did the posted answer solve your problem? Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 1:41

1 Answer 1


You can add a parameter in the menu item and to obtain the value_field. You cannot directly achieve that but yes you can concat the 2 columns and pass the value in key_field in xml and then explode in model file and as follows:

  1. default.xml:

    <layout title="League select">
       <message>Selector for league view on site</message>
    <fields name="params">
        <fieldset name="advanced">
            <field name="selLeag" type="sql" label="Select league" 
         query="SELECT leagueName, id, concat( leagueName, ':-:',id) AS leagueNameid FROM footleague_leagues"key_field="leagueNameid" value_field="leagueName" required="true">
               <option value="">Select league</option>
  2. Html Output of the xml field will give you select options as below:Suppose here, NFL league is the leagueName and 1 is it's id

    <select id="jform_params_selLeag" name="jform[params][selLeag]" class="chzn-done">
        <option value="" selected="selected">Select League</option>
        <option value="NFL:-:1">NFL</option>
  3. models/leagueinfo.php:

    $menuParam = JFactory::getApplication()->getParams();
    $selLeag = $menuParam->get('selLeag');// output: NFL:-:1
    $explode = explode(':-:',$selLeag);

    In this way, you have both id and leagueName and now you can use this value as per you want. Hope this helped!


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