I'm very new to Joomla, and I'm currently trying to Restrict access to part of Joomla articles using membership pro.
I trying to follow the guide listed here
I've published the plugin, step 1. Step is to use the syntax mprestriction ids="1"}The text you want to hide must be inserted between here{/mprestriction} to restrict access to the article to subscribers of the plan you want. Below is the explanation of the syntax: ids="1" mean only users have active subscription of Plan with ID = 1 can see the text. You can change 1 to ID of any plans you want You can allow subscribers from different subscription plans to see this text, just separate the plan ids by comma. For example, If you enter ids="1,3" for example, subscribers from plan with ID = 1 or ID = 3 will be able to see the text and so on....
But I'm not sure how to do this.
Is anyone familiar doing this sort of thing? With Membership Pro or any other application?