I have products table and brads table, i want show record from brands table whit product count.

The query:

SELECT a.*, 
       SELECT  COUNT(*)
       FROM    jos_products AS p
       WHERE   p.brand_id = a.id
    ) AS n
     FROM jos_brands AS a 

Resoult on MySQLManager is correct.

protected function getListQuery()
    $db    = JFactory::getDbo();

    $query = $db->getQuery(true);
        $query->select          ('a.*');

                $query->select  ('COUNT(*)');
                $query->from    ('#__products AS p');
                $query->where   ('p.brand_id = a.id');
                $query->as      ('n');

        $query->from            ('#__brands AS a');
        $query->oderby          ('a.name ASC');

    return $query;

The error is "Undefined property: stdClass::$n" when i try to show the results.

I try this:

  protected function getListQuery()
        $db    = JFactory::getDbo();

        $query = $db->getQuery(true);
            $query->select          ('a.*');

                    $query->select  ('COUNT(*) AS n');
                    $query->from    ('#__products AS p');
                    $query->where   ('p.brand_id = a.id');

            $query->from            ('#__brands AS a');
            $query->oderby          ('a.name ASC');

        return $query;

But result not is correct.

How to implement my query?

  • Please note the spelling mistake in oderby too. It should actually be $query->order()
    – Lodder
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 8:26
  • That does not look like Joomla API to me because I've never heard of a subQuery function. Where did you find that information how to build subqueries like this?
    – fruppel
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 10:02

1 Answer 1


Besides that this does not look like Joomla API (see my comment under your question) I don't think that you need a subquery here. Just something like this should work:

$query->select('a.*, COUNT(p.*) AS n');
    ->from('#__brands AS a, #__products AS p');
    ->where('p.brand_id = a.id');
    ->order('a.name ASC');

Otherwise see here how to implement sub queries in Joomla: Method for creating a subquery using JDatabase

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