I'm using a method to store information in another table. This is how I'm doing that:

public static function CreateMail($userid, $title, $state = 1)
    $maildata['userid'] = $userid;
    $maildata['title']  = $title;
    $maildata['state']  = $state;               

    $row = JTable::getInstance('Mail','BestiaTable');
    $storemessage = $row->store();

    return $storemessage;                       

This is working fine - but one problem remains: I would like to get the id of the saved data.

How can I do that?

Edit: The given answer worked on 3.4.48 but on 3.5 $row->id always returns NULL.

3 Answers 3


$row contains inserted data with PK. So $row->id is id of the saved data. So you can do

 public static function CreateMail($userid, $title, $state = 1)
        $maildata['userid']     =       $userid;
        $maildata['title']      =       $title;
        $maildata['state']      =       $state;             

        $storemessage = $row->store();

        return $row->id;                       
  • Hm, it worked fine. But since Joomla 3.5 it no longer works :-(
    – MyFault
    Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 19:58

To get the last insertId use:

$newID = $row->insertId();

Here is the documentation You have to call it just after

$store = $row->store(); 

The problem is solved. On Joomla 3.5 the PDO driver does not return an id.

This is discussed and will be solved: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/9534

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