I have installed a component called 'Responsive Scroll Triggered Box', but when I activate the component, it gives Javascript errors, and makes the sideshow crash because of it.
This is the component script.js file

 * @package         Responsive Scroll Triggered Box
 * @author          Tassos Marinos <[email protected]>
 * @link            http://www.tassos.gr
 * @copyright       Copyright © 2015 TM Extensions All Rights Reserved
 * @license         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL

var jqRSTBox = jQuery.noConflict();

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {

        /* Joomla <= 3.3.6 - Added change trigger when check the radio input */
        $('.btn-group label:not(.active)').click(function() {
            var input = $('#' + $(this).attr('for'));
            if (!input.prop('checked')) {

        /* Trigger Method */
        $("#jform_triggermethod").change(function() {
            val = $(this).val();
            switch (val) {
                case "pageheight":
                    disableObjects = ["prmtriggerelement"];
                case "pageload":
                    disableObjects = ["prmtriggerelement", "prmtriggerpercentage","prmautohide"];
                case "userleave":
                    disableObjects = ["prmtriggerelement", "prmtriggerpercentage","prmtriggerdelay","prmautohide"];
                case "element":
                    disableObjects = ["prmtriggerpercentage"];

            form = $(this).closest("form#adminForm");

            disableObjects.each(function(x) {

        /* Show/Hide Fieldsets */
        showOnFields = [
                "trigger": $('select#jform_boxtype'),
                "triggerValues": ["module"],
                "showField" : $("#module")
                "trigger": $('select#jform_boxtype'),
                "triggerValues": ["custom"],
                "showField" : $("#custom")
                "trigger": $('select#jform_boxtype'),
                "triggerValues": ["emailform"],
                "showField" : $("#emailform")
                "trigger": $('input[name="jform[prm_assign_devices]"]'),
                "triggerValues": ["1","2"],
                "showField" : $(".prmassigndeviceslist")
                "trigger": $('input[name="jform[prm_overlay]"]'),
                "triggerValues" : ["1"],
                "showField": $(".prmoverlaycolor, .prmoverlaypercent, .prmoverlayclick")
                "trigger": $('input[name="jform[prm_allmenus]"]'),
                "triggerValues" : ["0"],
                "showField": $(".menuitems")
                "trigger": $('input[name="jform[prm_assign_lang]"]'),
                "triggerValues": ["1","2"],
                "showField": $(".prmassignlanglist")
                "trigger": $('select[name="jform[prm_cookietype]"]'),
                "triggerValues": ["seconds","minutes", "days", "hours"],
                "showField": $(".cookie")

        $.each(showOnFields, function(key, value) {
            trigger = $(value.trigger);
            trigger.on("change", function() {

                valid = false;

                if (value.triggerValues == ":checked") {
                    if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                        valid = true;

                if ($.isArray(value.triggerValues)) {
                    if ($.inArray($(this).val(), value.triggerValues) > -1) {
                        valid = true;

                if (valid) {
                } else {

            if (trigger.is("select")) {

            if (trigger.is("input:radio")) {
  • Could you please tell us what these JS errors are?
    – Lodder
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 8:06
  • JS errors mean that there is a conflict between $ and jQuery. but the problem is solved. i just need to add a joomla plugin jquery-easy which removes the conflicts between the mootools and jquery Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 8:50
  • 1
    Please write this as an answer below and mark is as accepted to people know it has been solved ;)
    – Lodder
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 8:50

2 Answers 2


The problem is solved. I just need to add a joomla plugin jquery-easy which removes the conflicts between the mootools and jquery


I see this has been answered as a Mootools / JQuery conflict. It is worth noting that Mootools has been deprecated in Joomla 3, though I believe is still sometimes used in the admin.

The fact your site has Mootools and JQuery suggests that your template (or possibly some other extension) may be getting out-of-date, or your site unpatched if you are using a core template.

Up-to-date Joomla sites should be using JQuery only - it is probably worth looking into where and why Mootools is still being used.

For more details: https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Javascript_Frameworks

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