I hear from my cousin that Joomla is an excellent CMS. However, I have a question, as I'd like to do something that I'm not sure if he did or not.
Basically, I'm planning on starting three different websites, under one web host. II know of a web host that supports this. TheThe question I have itis this: can I administer all three sites under one Joomla instance? IfIf so, is there a best practices for doing this, administration wise?
Update:Update: I just saw this in the docs:Joomla Documentation on http://docs.joomla.org/Multiple_Domains_and_Web_Sites_in_a_single_JoomlaMultiple Domains and Web Sites in a single Joomla!_installation installation, that essentially explains how to do this. So
So now I guess my question is, is it a good idea to do this, or would it ultimately create more trouble than it's worth?