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Dmitrijs Rekuns's user avatar
Dmitrijs Rekuns's user avatar
Dmitrijs Rekuns
  • Member for 10 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
18 votes

How can I use a model of other component in my component?

13 votes

Whats the correct way for exception handling?

13 votes

Forbid direct access to INI and XML files

12 votes

Adding joomla's default toolbar in a component view page

9 votes

Docs use assign by reference (=&) but is this necessary with PHP 5?

9 votes

Trash Joomla Article in frontend

8 votes

Which class method should I use for deprecated JDocumentRenderer->render();

6 votes

How can I print out a Joomla query?

5 votes

Is there any event available to call after plugin is installed?

4 votes

Only show articles by current user in category view using plugin

4 votes

Customizing the tags displayed under the article title

4 votes

Alter registration and comment forms

4 votes

How can I programatically determine the Joomla version of a website on which I have no administration privileges?

4 votes

Module Params Custom Validation is possible?

4 votes

How to update everything to Twitter Bootstrap 3?

4 votes

Populate multi select data into the custom list field of form inside user management

4 votes

Joomla Timezone

3 votes

Overriding save() method on form, how do I redirect to or show the form again after raiseError or enqueueMessage?

3 votes

Joomla default fields in Data Base table

3 votes

Post data using com_ajax joomla 3

3 votes

Caching component output based on user state variables

3 votes

Usage of JLog in a component controller

3 votes

Filtering content in a single plugin or many?

3 votes

How to query and display a list of nested tags for a particular parent on front end as links?

3 votes

How to assign a module to different pages

3 votes

Catching InvalidArgumentException in template

3 votes

Store multiple form fields as JSON string

3 votes

Function getLanguage() does not return current language?

3 votes

Joomla DB Insert, how to get last inserted id?

3 votes

Adding ajax in Joomla Custom Module