No acces to front page but acces to backend is working
added printscreen
No acces to front page but acces to backend is working
added 169 characters in body
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
I just tried disable and enable the scripts, I tried different combinaisons of order but it didn't solve the problem.
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
I have tried with several different settings and none of them did work so far.
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
Thanks Lodder, is there a way to force /modules/mod_djimageslider/assets/powertools-1.2.0.js to load before /modules/mod_djmenu/assets/js/jquery.djmenu.js? I will to your other suggestion tonight, but I am not sure it's will give me the answer as even on plain single article page (no extension other than dj menu), the slider isn't working.
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
The thing is that even in single article page (article only with html, no javascript), the slider isn't working. I am giving a try to your plugin, will let you how it goes!
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
yes, protostar is my template. Is there a problem with this template?
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
You're right FFrewin. I can see the Javascript conflicts in the debug console. However I don't understand how I am supposed to solve them.
Make the Message "Article successfully saved" Fade Away after x seconds
In which file am I supposed to add this to fade out the succes message on front end also? I have tried to look for /templates/protostar/html/message.php but it'snot there. Thanks!
Image slider gets stuck on menu items others than home.
Thanks Eva. What do you mean by "Make sure you have this line in your template index.php" I don't understand which line you are talking about.
Remove all <img> tag except the first one change image size - Tag component
You're right, I didn't think about doing it that way!
Remove all <img> tag except the first one change image size - Tag component
Right, I could but that way I can't add a link on the "Full article image" (which I need to do).
Add association tab/field to front end editing page
Thanks for this! I could learn a bit more about JModelItem, but I am not yet able to grasp the whole concept. I have replace
<?php echo $this->form->renderField('category'); ?>
by <?php echo $this->form->renderField('catid'); ?>
and indeed the category field appear on the edit page but I can't change the category. Also I couldn't find any info about the JModelItem association field.
Remove all <img> tag except the first one change image size - Tag component
The difficult thing is that I only want one image per article but this image should have a different size whether the article is on a blog page (the image is downscaled) or on his own page (default size). But anyway, the problem is solved thanks to FFrewin.
Remove all <img> tag except the first one change image size - Tag component
I have no other word than... Amazing!
Remove all <img> tag except the first one change image size - Tag component
That's is perfect! You made my day! Thanks a lot for your patience and your advice!