3 votes

How to add pagination in joomla custom php code?

You have the instruction in your code, but commented. The query setLimit() function requires two parameters: $limit: the number of records to return, and $offset: the first record you want to return, ...
Riccardo Zorn's user avatar
2 votes

How to retrieve RSForm submission data grouped by SubmissionId?

You actually don't need to perform multiple joins with the same table to gather your desired results. What is best suited is a "pivot" technique. There is no cleaner way to deal with rsform's ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to add a payment reference to RSForms!Pro?

Solved this, so posting this answer for anyone who comes across the same problem in the future. So, what happens is: After posting the form, a script is supposedly kicked off, similar to what ...
Sabine's user avatar
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Php-sql result in joomla displayed in question marks

Try doing below stuff if you are using mysql: after you connect to the mysql, do this query to make sure that you are using UTF8: mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET '...
Sudhir Sapkal's user avatar
2 votes

How to refactor two select queries on RSForm submission data?

Here is what I believe the mySQL query to be with (1,2,3) substituted in for your imploding of results because I wanted to check the mySql syntax of it. I don't have time to convert into PHP right ...
YellowWebMonkey's user avatar
2 votes

Don't add empty fields to database after submission?

There's no generic answer to the question because the code that sits between a form submission and a database table varies wildly from application to application. Perhaps more importantly, different ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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How to display zero values in the legend of PlotALot graph based on RSForm Pro results?

I managed to solve this by amending the second column in the SELECT clause to generate a minuscule, non-zero decimal value. IF(COUNT(FieldValue) > 0, COUNT(FieldValue), 0.1) For the record, ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to query certain rows from a table based on other associated rows in the same table?

It is best practice to minimize the number of calls to the database. Your logic in your two queries can be merged into one like this: try { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to use cookies to populate RSForm fields without notices/warnings?

You have posted snippets that are using two separate means of updating the form. The javascript-leveraging snippet is updating the form AFTER the form elements have already been generated. This ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Get the list of article and related specific custom field value

It is basically a LEFT JOIN to relate the tables and WS_CONCAT() calls to prepare the output strings within the SQL (no extra php handling of the result set). If EVERY article has a date value in the ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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PlotALOT RSForm Query showing only one result

From this sample data: INSERT INTO `o2pe0_rsform_submission_values` (`SubmissionValueId`, `FormId`, `SubmissionId`, `FieldName`, `FieldValue`) VALUES (2124732, 23, 47529, 'SHELTER', 'Bellville'), (...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Capturing Value From RS Forms Drop Down

You can access the value each field of your Form using the $_Post. For example where a_field is the field name in your form. $fred = $_POST['form']['a_field'] There are more hits in the Form ...
Irata's user avatar
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RSForm get value from html and submit as hidden field

Have you looked at the data available in RS Form in the Forms in the replaceable tag {global:userid} rather than trying to grab the value from some other value displayed on the page. There is a lot of ...
Irata's user avatar
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1 vote

RSFORM combine 2 submission form results in one Plotalot view

I think the simplest way forward is to use a JOIN to relate your first query to your second query. An INNER JOIN (same as JOIN) will only generate rows in the result set where both "derived"...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Charts/Graphs for RSFORM using mysql for VChart and/or PlotaLot

This will rely heavily on the magic of a "pivot" technique. Here are some more examples in JSE to compare/contrast with https://joomla.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/pivot. Basically, a ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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About Rsform submission

RSForms has pretty good documentation. It sounds like you want conditional form fields. I would suggest having the first field be a select box with choices like User 1 User 2 User 3 Then you can ...
YellowWebMonkey's user avatar
1 vote

How to use cookies to populate RSForm fields without notices/warnings?

For one, you are declaring: $inputCookie->set('rsformdatacountry', $_POST['form']['country']); This means that the rsformdatacountry cookie value is a string (not an array). This is appropriate ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to refactor two select queries on RSForm submission data?

Yes, your queries can certainly use refactoring. Using two separate calls on the same table is asking MySQL to do needless extra work. To convert your queries into plain English, you want to: ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to update Community Builder fields of user with RSFORM

There may or may not be addition issues with your attempt, but I can tell at first glance that you are not executing your UPDATE query. https://docs.joomla.org/Inserting,...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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RSform with multipage form is not jumping to the top of the form

In your form go to CSS and JavaScript and add this code <script> function rsfp_showPage(thePage) { RSFormProUtils.removeClass(thePage, 'formHidden'); window.scrollTo(0, findPos(document....
laendle's user avatar
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How to add line break into placeholder text area?

Many people offer js and non-js solutions here: https://stackoverflow.com/q/7312623/2943403 Using a non-js technique may have different outcomes on different browsers -- specifically standards ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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implode - URL doubling - image display error

As a matter of good coding practice, I recommend that you DRY out your code (Don't Repeat Yourself) ...I'm talking "super-dehydrate" like this: echo "<div class=\"user_avatar" , ($userNameEffects =...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Allow front-end editing of user forms?

I haven't tried to do it, but most likely the edit/submissions layout of RSForm pro would be improvable. It should support template overrides and also you should be able to apply CSS changes to fine-...
FFrewin's user avatar
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Allow front-end editing of user forms?

Fabrik is pretty awesome for things like that. You can totally customize the look of any form created in Fabrik.
Michael's user avatar
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Display image in RSFORM after passing it through URL

Thanks for your answer This worked perfectly: <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ document.getElementById('photo').innerHTML = '<img src="'+ document....
kije's user avatar
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Display image in RSFORM after passing it through URL

You should be able to do this with PHP using the "Scripts called on form display" section. The basic steps would be: Set variable to the image path you are passing (ie $_GET, etc) Set variable to ...
YellowWebMonkey's user avatar
1 vote

RSform- scroll screen up when posting from one form to another

I think you can do this in a much simpler way. In the HTML Layout of the second form, set "Auto Generate Layout" to "No". Then, add the following to the very beginning of the HTML: <a name="#form-...
itoctopus's user avatar
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How to retrieve RSForm submission data grouped by SubmissionId?

Here you are: $query->select($db->qn('s.SubmissionId','id')) ->select($db->qn('s.DateSubmitted','date')) ->select($db->qn('sv.FieldValue','status')) ->...
Alexandr's user avatar
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Get date value with jinput

Try to change it to: "+$dt days" Also, I may be wrong but, I believe you must provide dates in correct order as if dates diff is <0 then it would return 0 which corresponds to 01/01/1970
Alexandr's user avatar
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Filtering dropdown form with jquery.ajax

To solve a similar request, I have implemented Chained Selects Plugin. <select id="mark" name="mark"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="bmw">BMW</option> ...
Anibal's user avatar
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