I'm sending data from a form with AJAX.
The data is a username and password of the user, and therefore I want to make it as secure as possible.

I'm trying to use a `token` as an extra security layer, but it always return as "**invalid**".

I've gone through https://docs.joomla.org/How_to_add_CSRF_anti-spoofing_to_forms and can't see that anything should be wrong.

My login form:

    <form method="post" action="#" id="userForm">
        <label for="username">Brugernavn</label>	
        <input type="text" value="" name="username">	
        <label for="password">Password</label>	
        <input type="password" value="" name="password">
        <?php echo JHtml::_( 'form.token' ); ?>
        <button id="login-user">Login</button>

The AJAX request:

    	url: 'index.php?option=com_content&format=ajax&view=article&task=loginUser&tmpl=component',
    	type: 'post',
    	dataType: 'html',
    	data: {
    		form: jQuery(form).serializeArray()
    	async: true,
    	success: function(response){
    		var result = response;
    		if ( result.loggedIn == 1 ) {					
    			//User logged in
    		else {					
    			//User not logged in				

The function that gets called in my `view.ajax.php`

    public function _logInUser( $form ){
    	$options = array();
    	$credentials = array();
    	JSession::checkToken() or die( 'Invalid Token' );
    	$credentials['username'] = $form[0]['value'];
    	$credentials['password'] = $form[1]['value'];
    	$result = JFactory::getApplication()->login($credentials, $options);		
    	$result = ($result) ? 1 : 0;
    	//1 	- logged in
    	//0 	- not logged in		
    	echo json_encode( array('loggedIn' => $result) );					

And the output in my console from `var_dump($form);`

    array(3) {
      array(2) {
        string(8) "username"
        string(20) "[email protected]"
      array(2) {
        string(8) "password"
        string(8) "mypassword123"
      array(2) {
        string(32) "dc56f674238905e70ab3d98f9bb6e2f0"
        string(1) "1"
    Invalid Token

The only thing else I can think of, is that `&format=ajax` or `dataType: 'html'` should be something like `json` or maybe `raw` ...but when I tried that, then the call dosen't work at all.