I have a list Joomla! form field in my XML, it works in the back end, I can change the dropdown. When saved, the item stays the same. When I `print_r($params)` **The value is outputted as "true" and not the value**, no matter which option I choose. What could cause this given the option is selected correctly when I view it in the back end. **XML** <field name="list" type="list" default="" label="MOD_KOY_YOUR_LOGO_LIST" description=""> <option value="0">MOD_MY_MOD_OPTION_LOGO_ONLY</option> <option value="1">MOD_MY_MOD_OPTION_TEXT_ONLY</option> <option value="2">MOD_MY_MOD_OPTION_TEXT_AND_LOGO</option> </field> Could it be possible that my use of multiple `showon=` are causing the issue? all seem to work correctly, but some are nested. By nested I mean if a = 1, then show b. If b = 1 then show c.