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getCategoryRoute basically justs returns a URL in the following format

index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=[ID PARAMETER]&lang=[LANGUAGE PAREMETER]

It's not a particularly complicated function - the entirity is as follows:

if ($catid instanceof JCategoryNode)
            $id = $catid->id;
            $id = (int) $catid;
        if ($id < 1)
            $link = '';
            $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=' . $id;
            if ($language && $language !== '*' && JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled())
                $link .= '&lang=' . $language;

This has nothing really to do with JRoute, to which you can pass any paramaterised URL you want to run through a router to get a clean URL. getCategoryRoute simply returns a parameterisd URL that works with com_content's category view.

It's not clear what you mean by "the same functionality", as com_content's featured view does not work in the same way as the category view. With that, categories are assigned as part of the menu item, and saved in the database as a menu item parameter, as opposed to being sent via URL parameters.

If you just want to create a link to the featured view using JRoute then the following should work:


If the featured item is a menu item, then the following would also work:

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