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Joomla mysql query - group_contact

I have mysql query: // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); $formId = 21; $query = "select * from #...
Gocha's user avatar
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PieChart For RSForm for PlotaLot based on a dropdown field

So I got this Pie Chart to display the Count of Voters vs Position and it's working fine. SELECT Position, COUNT(1) AS count FROM ( SELECT MAX(IF(FieldName = 'Position', FieldValue, NULL)) ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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Create Plotalot chart from RSForm Pro data using pivot query

I'm trying to extract RSForm Pro form data from the database to create Plotalot charts. There is a field on the form called "resolved" to which users respond "Yes or No". I would ...
dind F's user avatar
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How to count aggregate data from RSForm submission values with Joomla's query building methods?

user SubmissionId FormId FieldName FieldValue bob 2 16 state mystate1 bob 2 16 qda myqad1 bob 2 16 city mycity1 rob 3 16 state mystate2 rob 3 16 qda myqad1 rob 3 16 city mycity1 jac 4 16 state ...
saeed's user avatar
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PlotALOT RSForm Query showing only one result

After being helped very well by Stack community and learning a bit I created a query to show the sum of payments per client. A client can pay multiple times. I would like to know the sum of payments ...
Gart's user avatar
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How to refactor two select queries on RSForm submission data?

I was wondering if anyone could help me JOIN multiple queries into one query. Currently, these 2 blocks of code retrieve information from the DB. I am using the "Sourcerer" plugin to add custom PHP ...
MailBlade's user avatar
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How to retrieve RSForm submission data grouped by SubmissionId?

I have a table with 3 columns: SubmissionId, FieldName and FieldValue. 1) SubmissionId keeps ID submission. 2) FieldName stores field name of a form. 3) FieldValue stores field value of form field. ...
George Berkeley's user avatar