Questions tagged [jform]

Form Class for the Joomla Platform.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I manually added a field to frontend article submission form but it does NOT save the data. What is wrong?

I created a frontend form override for article submission tmpl/form/edit.php and added the following field as plain HTML <input type="text" name="jform[attribs][videourl]" id=&...
Nadal's user avatar
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How can I get form post data when Save, Save and Close or Save and New button is used?

I need to get the values of fields when the form is saved by any of the save buttons. So far I only get an empty array. Working with a custom field for Mosets Tree component. I used what I expected ...
Nadal's user avatar
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Variables in XML form definition

I'm creating a form using the Joomla XML form definition, and I want to create a range of integer values a user can select from. The number/integer field is fine for this use-- but I need to allow the ...
user101289's user avatar
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How do I pass the generated form together with the custom fields to model class?

I have this code here, which I modified in the getForm function from my Model Class: $elementHeader=' <fieldset name="reportFilters">'; $elementName = $elementHeader; $form ...
Break the Law's user avatar
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Fetching custom user field values in custom module

I'm having some problems with a custom module that I'm making to display some basic "logged in" user information. I'm working on a template with "SP Page Builder" CMS. My module: {...
Mark's user avatar
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Model/Controller: get id of current item and use it in controller

I got a view in my component's frontend, which catches data from model using the ID of the element: protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) { $app = ...
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