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Questions tagged [file-upload]

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I upload a file with article custom fields?

I've created a custom field plugin type "file" and am using it as custom field on articles so users can upload a file (the "media" type file does not suit my needs). It looks and ...
Alexandre Paulo's user avatar
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PDF file upload only works in JCE (Joomla 3.10.6)

I'm puzzled by why I can only upload PDFs from within the editor when I use JCE. The site I'm working on is using YOOtheme Pro and if I try to add a PDF as a link in a gallery element it "...
Dan's user avatar
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Upload volume changes do not apply to php.ini

Hi I have a centos 7 server and a cwp 7 panel. I have the latest version of Joomla and WordPress installed on them. The size of uploaded files in Joomla is 2 MB. I increased the upload_max_filesize ...
hamin hamon's user avatar
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Upload and attachement for phpmailer

hello i starting an code to allow sending file via a form i create an input file field <input type="file" name="'.$field_name.'[]" accept="'.$values_field[0].'" id="'.$field_id.'" '.$placeholder.' ...
user2822359's user avatar
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How to set default permissions of files uploaded through Joomla Media Manager?

I'm running Joomla(3.9.8) on an Apache/PHP server on Linux. If you touch a file as the server user (and from PHP running on the server), the permissions of that file are: -rw-rw-r--. However, if a ...
rudib's user avatar
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How to extend / override the JFile class?

I want to extend/override the JFile class without hacking Joomla files. How do I even begin to extend the class using best practices?
crazyKida's user avatar
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How to upload an image using Ajax?

I need to upload an image to the server via AJAX, but the server comes back to the page with request, although server doesn't send anything. ajax: function uploadServer($el) { var fileUpload = $...
Илья Балабуев's user avatar
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Status of J_FILE Field Type for Subforms in Joomla

Hello Joomla Community, I’m reaching out to clarify the current status of the J_FILE field type in Joomla. Based on my research and discussions, it appears that Joomla has had ongoing issues related ...
user4571727's user avatar
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Whitespace characters in image filenames are not working

My Joomla version is 3.7.2 and my problem is that category images do not render when the filename contains whitespace characters. For example, an image name like: Atlas Vandal Resistant category ...
Kirpal's user avatar
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Admin Component File Upload -> Cannot Get JInput to work

I am struggling to get an admin form file upload to work using JInput. I have tried pretty much every permutation of $input->files->get(''); I can think of with no luck. No matter what I do, it ...
Zachary Draper's user avatar
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Upload form to upload files and filter the public view based on category

I am looking for an extension or a way to allow users to upload their documents based on the category e.g. a User will upload food recipe document (pdf/doc) in the category of "Chinese" or "Maxican"....
wolvorinePk's user avatar