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Questions tagged [com-plugins]

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2 answers

What does it mean for a user to be 'logged in' to Joomla?

I am having an issue with the ACL of my Joomla API. I created this using the TechJoomla api component. I have the following code to handle post requests on my api. <?php use Joomla\CMS\...
Huw Evans's user avatar
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Joomla 4 alpha - link to dialog file in editor-xtd broken

I'm trying to update my extension for Joomla 4 alpha. It adds a button in the editor that calls a dialog file in a popup window. The link is triggered like this: $button->set('link', '../plugins/...
Rudolf B's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Joomla caching and plugins

How does caching affect the various plugins triggers? I imagine that after a page is cached the other plugins get bypassed until the cache time resets and the page gets recreated?
Mat Kay's user avatar
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Joomla 3.6 File upload file to article

i am using the technique to add custom fields to articles described here: Everything is working well, except for file-...
pixx's user avatar
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com_ajax and JFactory::getUser()

I'm using com_ajax for requests, and I've run into a problem. I'm trying to determine if the user making an AJAX request is logged in. When I call JFactory::getUser(), it's returning a guest user, ID=...
George Sexton's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to use com_api plugin for REST?

I have installed the com_api component and plugin from the official site for REST calls. I should authenticate user login with a web service at another domain using REST POST. How should I do it? I ...
Rex's user avatar
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Administrator com_plugins issue/bug (?) - Error Column 'type' in where clause is ambiguous

On a site that I have been working on for a long time, I suddenly came across this issue. When I went to com_plugins to change settings on my plugins, I got the error below and the plugins list didn't ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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