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Questions tagged [cache]

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13 votes
1 answer

How can I use Joomla's Cache with my components view?

As is typically the case with a CMS, the most hits occur while it is still "new". I'd like to cache the page output the first time it is rendered for a given period as to reduce the heavy workload ...
GDP's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Website speed is awful

I work as an apprentice web developer who has been left in charge of the web team (all of my colleagues have left) and have been left with an impossible task. We have a 10-core Windows server, with ...
LukeBurke_PremierEPOS's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

CSS Change won't apply - Where could the cache be?

I've encountered a strange problem that I've never seen before. I edited a CSS file and uploaded it to my server. From my hosting's file manager, I can see the file is updated. But in my local ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Custom component no-cache setting

I have a custom component I've built, and it has a search filter toolbar to filter results. The problem is that when Joomla caching is turned on, the filters get cached along with the page data-- so ...
user101289's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Using JCache to clear a specific plugin's cached data

Is it possible to use JCache to clear the cached data for a specific plugin or all plugins? I am using a plugin to display an image and text on a page and I have to clear the cache manually for any ...
Eric's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

My content updates won't display instantly in the front-end. What's the reason?

I am using joomla to create my website. Everything is working well, except one problem that occurred recently. I am changing/updating content in the joomla backend and saving. But any change I do ...
user2111's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Changes on a joomla site do not reflect on the front end

I got a a joomla-powered site. Recently I added an article to the back end, published it but it does not show up on the front end of the website. I went further to 'unpublish' some of the articles ...
Mekicha's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Joomla cache handler only shows memcached

My cache handler in Joomla! only shows 'memcached (experimental)', and not File etc. I was able to change the cache handler in my configuration.php but I'd still like to know why File is not shown as ...
B_s's user avatar
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