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2 answers

Joomla Website affected with Malware [duplicate]

My website has been blocked by google because it thinks it's been affected by malware. When I run scans they don't show anything. How can I detect what's wrong? My sites always get affected with ...
Faheem Rasheed's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Email notifications when users logging in to the administrator site

I would like to be notified via email when someone is logging-in to Joomla Administration interface as Superuser, and also know his ip address. Is it possible?
gr68's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Joomla tmp directory - What is it for and can I delete its content?

My Joomla website currently uses about 100 MB of storage. I checked my folders and found out that the tmp folder is about 30MB and contains a number of files and folders named like "...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k