I am using Nooku framework and Joomla CMS and MySQL database to create an application , and I need to retrieve a certain data from another table into the dropdownmenu of my table , using Nooku Framework , Model Part

The difference in Nooku is that request aren't written in SQL way , and so i want to know if you please how can i write this request : "SELECT DISTINCT Libelle_Pays from a3n4v_sgrmre_reclamations r, a3n4v_sgrmre_pays p where r.Code_Pays = p.code_pays"

Thank you so much

  • PS : btw i know that it's either buildquerywhere or buildqueryjoin but i don't know the right answer and how to write it
    – user4147
    May 2, 2015 at 17:29
  • You can use both as the $query object is passed in, both are called for doing count and select queries. They are provided to help you get a better overview how the query is assembled. May 23, 2015 at 13:22

1 Answer 1


To do this you need to create a model for your component and put it in your component model folder. Nooku is a by convention framework ensure you understand the naming conventions. You can find more information in the Nooku guides.

Here is the code for your model (Nooku Framework 2.x) :

class ComSgrmreModelReclamations extends KModelDatabase
    protected function _buildQueryColumns(KDatabaseQueryInterface $query)


    protected function _buildQueryJoins(KDatabaseQueryInterface $query)
        $query->join(array('pays' => 'sgrmre_pays'), 'pays.Code_Pays = tbl.code_pays', 'LEFT'):


The resulting query generated by this code would be :

SELECT DISTINCT Libelle_Pays FROM a3n4v_sgrmre_reclamations AS tbl LEFT JOIN a3n4v_sgrmre_pays AS pays WHERE tbl.Code_Pays = pays.code_pays

The $query object passed in is a KDatabaseQuerySelect object in this case and provides a OO wrapper to create SELECT statements.

The name of the table is based on the name of the model class name, eg sgrmre_reclamations. The Joomla database prefix is automatically added by Nooku and doesn't need to be included.

The tbl is the shortcut for the table base table that is being queried; it's available everywhere when creating a query.

The DISTINCT is done in the when creating the columns to ensure it's not included when generating a COUNT query. If you want the count query to take the distinct into account you need to move to the joins or where method.

Th type of join is LEFT by default, and the third parameter can be omitted; or any other type of join can be specified.

References :

  1. KDatabaseQuerySelect
  2. KModelDatabase
  • @user4147 if this very comprehensive answer has solved your question, please award it the green tick. Feb 1, 2019 at 10:25

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