I'm building a component which is about to be finalized, but there is a bit of code that I want to refactor. I think this code can be completed in one statement and I used more than 3 statements.
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
foreach ($pks as $i => $pk)
//getting the sid from student table
->where('id = '.$pk);
$sid = $db->loadResult();
//fetching the data of old entry from log table using sid
->where('sid = '.$sid)
->where('pas= 0')
//updating the old entry in log table
->set('pas = 1')
->where('sid = '.$sid)
->where('pas= 0')->where('stops=0');
//I'm doing this to know about is there at-least one row affected if not then we will not insert a new recorded
//after setting pass to 1 we will ++ class by 1 and year by 1
if($count == 1)
->columns('class, year, sid, prmoted')
->values($obj->class.','.$obj->year.','.$sid.','. 1);
In this code, first I select the current student record from the #__log
table for next use. Then I update the same record and set pass
to 1
. Then using previously selected data, I insert a new record in same log table with class+1
and year+1
I think this code can be highly refactored can any body help me?