I wonder why no one suggested using Akeeba Backup component and Akeeba Kickstart script. For some users, it might be easier way of doing the same as FFrewin suggested. Akeeba does all that automatically.
Both of them are free (in basic version, you don't need pro). You can download them directly on AkeebaBackup.com/download.
The required steps are:
- Install Akeeba Backup
- Set Akeeba Backup up, there's a one-click auto setup right after you open the component in your Joomla Administration
- Backup your site via Akeeba Backup
- Download your backup (.jpa file)
- Upload your backup to the new location on your FTP (no matter if it's a different host or just a different folder, you can move your site anywhere, even localhost)
- Unpack Akeeba Kickstart and upload the kickstart.php file to the same location where you uploaded the .jpa file
- In your browser, direct to http://newlocation.xy/kickstart.php
- Akeeba Kickstart will open, choose direct method
- Go through to whole process and fill required fields (just like a new Joomla installation)
- Database connection settings (server, name, password) - if you want to keep the same database as you already have, use a different table prefix
- Website settings - set new live URL including http://, that's most important. Additionally, you can also change the superadmin password and setup new FTP accounts)
- When everything is done, click "remove installation folder"
- That's it, if the new site works, you can remove your site in the previous location and the old database tables (they should have a different prefix or be in a separate database).
Before deleting your previous installation, make sure your new one really works. Your backup file may be corrupted from downloading or whatever and you might not be able to install the backup.
I'm also aware that this looks like a bit more complicated way, but it's not, I believe it's easier and usually faster - copying thousands of files (whole Joomla) from your FTP location to your computer and uploading them to your new FTP location takes hours. With Akeeba, you can be up and running in less than an hour (depending on the size of your Joomla website).