1054 Unknown column 'a.extra_query' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT DISTINCT a.update_site_id, a.type, a.location, a.last_check_timestamp, a.extra_query FROM #__update_sites AS a INNER JOIN #__update_sites_extensions AS b ON a.update_site_id = b.update_site_id WHERE a.enabled = 1 AND b.extension_id IN (700)
The error (or similar errors) shows that in #__update_sites
table in your database the column named extra_query
is missing, thus the query cannot be executed. The easiest way to handle this error is creating an extra_query
column in that table. You can do that via phpMyAdmin area on your server account. There are a lot of easy instructions of how to do that, I just link one here:
The field type might be set to TEXT
type (it could be VARCHAR or other type but TEXT is OK and later can be changed).
Maybe the earlier suggested fix database button pushing is even simpler solution in Joomla admin. The reason I’m giving the above as the answer is that I many times have seen this issue happened with other database table fields too during bigger upgrades, not only Joomla core table fields, and those might not be fixed within Joomla admin.
During the upgrade of Joomla sites there probably will be few similar issues (and probably some worse than this issue). So maybe it is better to turn on development mode in global configuration of your Joomla to see the full stack of errors if/when those happen...