Nothing is happening when I modify the Module Class value in a custom side module: Modification of Module Class

Not sure why it matters, but Module Style is left at default value: Default Module Style

I tried both with and without a space before the class, also with and without a dot. How is that field supposed to be filled to add h-100 CSS class to <div class="custom">?

Note: I don't want any extra HTML except the added class to the single extra div that the module uses. Anything else should stay as is.

  • Did you set the Module Style (bottom option in the advanced tab)? Commented Jun 2 at 1:11
  • @GlennArkell nope
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jun 2 at 13:00
  • Try changing that setting from inherited to all the others in turn and check to see when your class shows up. I occasionally change it to HTML5 or none depending on what I want it to do. Commented Jun 3 at 19:56
  • That only added some random classes and other stuff to the HTML, like the title of the site module. The class that I need wasn't there with any of the options.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jun 3 at 22:47

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this custom module, however, as a test I created a simple custom module with some text as the content. I set the module class in the advanced tab to read " h-100" (with a space to separate it from any other class) and set the module style = "html5" and resulting code is as follows:

<div class="grid-child container-sidebar-right">
    <div class="moduletable  h-100">
        <h3>Test Custom Module</h3>        
        <div id="mod-custom194" class="mod-custom custom">
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. A laudantium rerum ad aliquam excepturi aut nisi magnam. Est rerum quia non harum accusamus sit architecto dolorem sed quod nihil qui ullam maxime sed sint reiciendis sit architecto minus.</p>

I hope this helps.

  • Unfortunately, like I mentioned, this doesn't do anything in my case. Only the table one adds the class, but also some extra random HTML and styling I don't want. All I need is the class on the single extra div, that's it. I'd guess a solution would be to define some new styling that just applies the module class, no idea how to do that though and not worth my time to check it.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jun 4 at 18:52

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