For my Project i need to render a custom form field based on the ListField I try to use the "new" conventions for J4 and later using namespacing etc.

this is the relevant part of my xml:

<namespace path="src">NXD\Module\FootballManagerPlayers</namespace>
        <fields name="params">
            <fieldset name="basic"
                <field name="team_id"

I've tried to place the FieldClass PHP on different locations within my module wihtout success. Currently the "TeamSelectField.php" is stored under "modules/mod_nxdfm2_players/src/models/fields" (But I think thats not correct?)

My TeamSelectField.php:

namespace NXD\Module\FootballmanagerPlayers\Fields;

defined('_JEXEC') or die;
class TeamSelectField extends ListField
    protected $type = 'TeamSelect';
protected function getInput()

protected function getOptions()

I'm using Dispatcher.php aswell as the service provider interface... github Link to module code: Link

I've tried different location that's why there are currently multiple "TeamSelectField.php" files in different locations like root/fields, src/Fields, src/models/fields , ....

I've used custom form field types already a few times in Joomla 3 / 4 by using the "old fashioned way" without issues. I'm aware that the conventions are strict but i didn't find any ressource on how to use it "the new way". Any suggestions hints are much appreciated.

Edit Also adding the addFieldPrefix does not change anything:

<fieldset name="basic"

1 Answer 1


File / Folder Structure

src /
- Field /
-- [FieldName]Field.php


In the XML:

<namespace path="src">[COMPANY]\Module\ModuleName</namespace>

Then you need to add the fieldprefix to the field or fieldset:

<fieldset name="basic" addfieldprefix="[COMPANY]\Module\[ModuleName]\Site\Field">

In the [FieldName]Field.php:

namespace [COMPANY]\Module\[ModuleName]\Site\Field;

Then as usual make sure the protected $type = 'FieldName'; is identical to the call in the XML:

<field name="team_id"

In conclusion the ...\Site... part was my mistake - even if the field has to be used in the Backend-Form we need to use "Site" because its a Frontend Module...

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