I have copied the card.php file from templates/cassiopeia/html/layouts/chromes and placed it in my templates/MYTEMPLATE/html/layouts/chromes folder, and then made some modifications to the styling. Then I saved the file, selected the chrome from my module's Advanced tab, cleared my browser cache, and refreshed the browser. The custom chrome does not load.
Actually, even if I copy card.php over to my template folder and make no changes to it whatsoever, and then select it from the module's Advanced tab, it doesn't work. The card styling is not there, and the heading disappears.
When I select the Card chrome from the Cassiopeia template, it works fine.
Where did I go wrong?
layout at Advance tab and choose thecustom-card.php
at Module Style also in Advanced tab, it is working well. Thecustom-card
layout is placed inMYTEMPLATE/html/layouts/chromes folder
layout in mytemplate/html/mod_custom folder, then the first 3 lines of the card layout code (that includes $displayData) has to be commented out/deleted/ or redefined, otherwise it causes some error since these data are undefined, when you use it in custom module. And you have to check for any undefined in that layout...